Who are we ?

Tadworth Leisure Centre

You may have known of us as the Tattenhams Residents Association, but some years ago the ward boundaries were redrawn and Preston was added to our area. The ward is now Tattenham Corner and Preston. To recognise this we changed the name of our association to Tattenham & Preston Residents.

In order to rebalance the electoral numbers, the Boundary Commission moved the Tattenham residents to the east of Reigate Road (between the Beacon School and Asda) into Nork ward. We work very closely with the Nork Residents Association  and in fact we share the same Surrey County councillor.

We  represent residents living in the Tattenham Corner & Preston Ward of Reigate  &  Banstead Borough Council. We are a non-party political organisation.  We have three elected Councillors who work hard to help deliver improvements to local services, infrastructure and respond to local initiatives.

What do we do ?

We will assist any resident, regardless of their political persuasion

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council empties our bins and cleans the streets, maintains our public open spaces – Preston Recreation Ground, Tattenhams Recreation Ground and Nork Park. It owns the Tadworth Leisure Centre. It enforces parking restrictions. It makes planning decisions and is the housing authority (although most public housing is provided by Raven Housing Trust). It has a Joint Enforcement Team (JET) which works with the police to tackle local environmental issues, such as fly-tipping and abandoned vehicles.

Surrey County Council looks after our roads and pavements, provides schools, runs the Library’s local volunteers, and is the main provider of social services.

If you are not sure if you are in this ward:
Click here to see the Ward Map  or see the Street List here. Please note that on the ward map, TCP1 is the Tattenham Corner area and TCP2 is the Preston area .

Councillors and the Committee work to resolve problems and issues that residents have that involve Reigate & Banstead Borough Council or Surrey County Council or other public bodies. We hold monthly committee meetings (second Tuesday) and residents are welcome to attend (currently virtual zoom meetings) and raise issues with us. Let us know if you want to attend! Between meetings, contact a  Councillor if you are unable to resolve a matter directly with the council.

If you have problems , or concerns about any these matters please get in touch via the Contact Us page.

For a more detailed list of what the councils manage
See Council Services

We rely on your subscriptions, donations and sponsors to pay for the administration and other various costs required to keep the Residents Association working for you. If you would like to help us please see Ways to Pay.