REFERENCE: 23/01702/F (Council Planning Reference Number)
LOCATION: Coxdean and Long Walk, Tadworth, Surrey
DESCRIPTION: Introduction of additional street parking in Long Walk and Coxdean streets.
Your Residents Association has been working hard over the last few years to bring parking improvements in Long Walk and Coxdean to fruition. We are aware that, following the developments on the old De Burgh School playing fields and the site of the previous Banstead leisure centre, car parking is now a key problem in the area.
The other issue raised by local residents is safety. Cars and vans parking either fully or partially on pavements means that pedestrians, particularly those in mobility scooters or pushing child buggies, are often forced to use the road instead.
With pedestrians safety uppermost in our minds the proposed parking has adjacent footpaths. It is a mix of either new bays or a formalisation and extension of existing parking arrangements. New crossing points with dropped kerbs are also proposed.
Sadly two trees would need to be removed near the proposed parking sites in Coxdean. However three new trees would be planted in the area, with a fourth on Long Walk.
Overall we are very happy with these enhancements to parking in the area and feel that the overriding issue of pedestrian safety has also been addressed.
View the relevant Council Planning Page here. Use reference 23/01702/F .
We urge you to respond to the Council’s Planning Consultation. Often it is only objectors who give their views, so to give a balanced picture please give your support if you are in agreement. You can respond through the website, by email or by post.
A “deadline” of 16 September for comments is mentioned – PLEASE IGNORE THIS, as all comments made before the application goes to the Planning Committee will be taken into account.

- 17.4 metres of additional parking bay places.
- 2m width for cars. 1.8m footpath.
- Two new crossing places with dropped kerbs (uncontrolled crossing).
- Removal of two mature trees out of existing six. One new tree to be planted.
- Existing lamp post to be repositioned.
- Existing parking places (blue) to be increased in capacity. One new tree to be planted.
- Four additional parking places on empty green area. One new tree to be planted.
Long Walk 1
- Two sections of additional parking bay places totalling 63m to be introduced.
- 2m width for cars. 1.8m footpath.
- Two crossing areas with dropped kerbs to be introduced (uncontrolled crossing).
- Existing lamp post to be repositioned.
- One new tree to be planted.

Long Walk 2
- 31 metres of additional parking bay places.
- 2m width for cars. 1.8m footpath.
- Three new crossing places with dropped kerbs (uncontrolled crossing).