The Mayor of Reigate & Banstead, Cllr. Jill Bray
“On the 27th of May it was my honour and privilege to be made Mayor of the Borough of Reigate & Banstead. During my year it is my aim to thank as many Volunteers, NHS Staff, and Key Workers who have gone that extra mile during the last 16 months.”
Update: Mayor Jill Bray handed over the chains of office to Cllr Frank Kelly on Thursday May 26th 2022

Image Credit: Andy Lawton – Lawton Print Design Ltd – www.lawton-pd.co.uk
Thursday May 26th – 17th Reigate Squirrels
“Last engagement! Visiting the 17th Reigate Squirrels – investing Hadley as a new squirrel, and awarding the secret squirrel and squirrel of the week awards. Such a lovely thing for youngsters to do to build their resilience!”

“Rachel and I had our last night out at the theatre seeing Kinky Boots at the Epsom playhouse. Fabulous production and if you’re quick there are a few tickets left for the remaining performances – the run finishes this Saturday!”

“Kay helped me plant a tree at the Acorn Court Care Home to celebrate the Queens Jubilee And then help me serve cake to the rest of the residents. It was lovely that centenarian David joined us!”

“Joined with the RSPB and the descendants of Frank and Etta Lemon to unveil a blue plaque on the house on Whitepost Hill. They were founder members of the Charity (which was based on Etta’s fight to stop the trade in exotic bird feathers used by milliners). Frank was a past Mayor who was responsible (amongst other things) for Colley Hill being gifted to the residents of Reigate. Amazing couple!”

Ian Burks CEO of the YMCA East Surrey was presented with a cheque by the Mayor and the RBBC Economic Prosperity team. The money was raised by the recent Reigate & Banstead Business Awards. Thanks go to Simon Bland, Diane Dunkley and the entire Economic Prosperity Team.

The Mayor and the RBBC Economic Prosperity team presented representatives Colin Batty and Claire Robertson from Age Concern Banstead with a donation for £1,222.63 raised by the very successful Reigate & Banstead Business Awards. Thank you to Simon Bland, Diane Dunkley and the rest of the Economic Prosperity Team

Harlequin Festival Gala Concert
“Chris Upton met me at the Harlequin for the Festival Gala Concert. Then the Chair Jane took me back stage to meet some of the fab acts including the St Francis of Assisi Catholic school choir and the two young harpist. It was such a entertaining evening”

Old Reigatians U 15
“It was a pleasure to welcome the old Reigatians under 15 ladies rugby team to the Town Hall to congratulate them on their fabulous year. They won every competition they entered including the National Cup! They have been voted the top Surrey rugby team. I love my new t-shirt!”

Banstead May Queen
“The committee responsible for the fabulous Banstead May Queen fair together with their sponsors and supporters came into the town hall yesterday for me to thank them for all their hard work. Between them the event raised over £10,000 for the Royal British Legion which as we all know is a fabulous charity – they will do lots of good work with this money.”

Sunday May 21st – Banstead Horticultural Society
“Banstead horticultural Society celebrated its 90th anniversary with a Flower show and invited other groups along to promote their activities. The whole event was set off beautifully with a lovely lady playing the piano!”

Friday May 20th – Ashley Centre, Epsom
“I am delighted that so many people were able to make the coffee morning fundraiser at Reigate Town Hall in aid of Surrey Stands With Ukraine !”

Wednesday May 18th – Orpheus Centre Cafe
“The sun shone on the opening of the new MUGA and café at the Orpheus Centre, the Lord Lieutenant cut the ribbons. We were treated to singing by the students and they also catered the event! Excellent!”

Saturday May 14th – Organ Recital, Good Shepherd Church, Tadworth
“Well done to Peter Chapman the Chair of the Church of the Good Shepherd organ appeal and committee. Over the last 7years they have raised £192k to not only renovate but also upgrade the church organ. It is a fabulous asset for the church and it was a joy to listen to it being played by Simon Johnson, Master of music at Westminster Cathedral.”

Saturday May 14th – Banstead Arts Festival
“The Banstead Arts Festival Society said a sad farewell to their Chair Stephen Oliver on Saturday after a splendid performance by the Maxwell quartet and students from the Yehudi Menuhin school.Tim Vine made the presentations and Stephen will now follow his passion of directing plays and opera. He leaves with everybody’s best wishes!”

Thursday May 12th – Mayor’s Thank You Afternoon Tea
“Had a lovely afternoon tea at the Town Hall for the other Surrey Mayors, the mayoral team, my charities and friends who have helped on many many occasions during my year. We are lucky to have such a wonderful building and I have had great support!”

Saturday April 30th – Banstead Village May Queen
“Gosh the weather gods were on the side of the Banstead May Fayre! The parade down the High Street will stay in my memory for a long time. The lovely DL Brigadier Paul Evans OBE accompanied me and was similarly bowled over by the wonderful turnout. This years May Queen Sonia Patel heads a long list in the events 37 year history – it has raised more than £170k for local charities in that time and it’s charity this year was the Royal British Legion. Sonia had a wonderful time judging the local shop windows and awarding thank you gifts. Well done Mel French, Sheila Patel and Karen Walsh and all their supporters for organising a fab event.”

Stripey Stork – Veronika’s Doll
A child refugee has been given a doll exactly like the one she had to leave behind in Ukraine.

Toddler Veronika and her mother Tatyana spotted the doll in a warehouse run by the Surrey charity Stripey Stork as they picked up essential supplies.
The charity said in a tweet that mother and daughter got “very excited” when they saw the doll which was “just the same as one she’d had to leave behind”.
Charity founder and chief executive Nicola Dawes said it made their day.
‘Blew a kiss’
“It was particularly special to discover this doll was just the same as one that Veronika had not been able to bring from home,” she said.
“A moment of joy and connection, and it made our day when Veronika blew us a kiss as she left.”
Veronika and Tatyana arrived in the UK on Thursday to stay with a sponsor family in Epsom and Ewell as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
After they arrived with one case and a pushchair, their host family contacted the baby bank charity to seek help sourcing practical items.
They travelled to the warehouse on Friday to pick up supplies prepared for them, including clothes, shoes, toys, a high chair, bed guard, potty training kit, nappies and toiletries.
Stripey Stork has been helping families across Surrey since it was formed in 2013.
It uses a model similar to a food bank to provide essentials to families with young children, and is now helping Ukrainian refugees arriving in the area.
The charity said on Twitter more than 700 families had been matched in Surrey so far.
(Courtesy BBC and PA)
Sunday May 8th – Mayor’s Open Garden Day
“My lovely helpers and all the visitors who made my garden opening such a success! Fab blue sky day and lots of gorgeous cakes – what more could a girl ask for! Plus an interview for Radio Redhill.”

“Tea and cake at the Merstham Community hub to thank the volunteers for the work they do within the community and the impact they have there. I was greeted by Maryann who is the brilliant community centre manager bringing them all together.”

” Combined Cadet Force Annual Mess Dinner was a delightful event. The senior cadets were invited – lots of bright young people about to embark on the next phase of their lives – and I wish them well! The Headmaster Fenton and Lt Andrew Pruvost welcomed the mayoral party and we enjoyed hearing about the plans for the School and their cadet force.”

Sunday 24th April – Banstead Scouts St. George’s Day Parade
” The weather was very kind for the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers St George’s parade and service in the Orchard on Sunday. Lovely service led by Rev Phil with cameo appearances by a cub and scout for prayers and a reading. Lots of well deserved awards also given out – great day!”

Saturday 23rd April – Age Concern Quiz Night
” So many people to thank for the successful Age Concern quiz! My lovely sisters and friends, the mayoral team – Paul, Charlotte and Max. Last but not least Maurice for selling the tickets – big thanks to him as he retires as a trustee and fund raiser for all his hard work over the last 11 years!”

Thank you Sue Lumley the Reigate Morrison’s Community Champion for arranging for our sweet trolley to be filled with lots of lovely things! It was a great part of our fund raising quiz for Banstead Age concern.
Tuesday 19th April – Furze Hill Lodge
” It was lovely meeting the residents including the very sprightly Pauline mere 101 years old (!) and Stella at the Furze Hill Care Home! We all enjoyed tea and cake in the conservatory and I then planted a pretty tree in a pot to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.”

Wednesday 20th April – Royal Alfred Seafarers, Woodmansterne
” Royal Alfred Seafarers in Woodmansterne is such a happy place! Alice the Manager is full of good ideas and it was great to see that the building project is coming to fruition and the new rooms are fantastic.”

Wednesday 20th April – Beaumont Care Home
” I visited the Beaumont Care home on Colley Hill and had a lovely afternoon tea outside with the residents. They were all wearing hats to protect themselves from the Sun! Really lovely afternoon. Some students from the Reigate Grammar also joined us and it was lovely to see the interaction of the age groups.”

Easter Monday 18th April – Litter Pickers, Preston
” What a great afternoon we had today in Preston Park, 12 purple sacks of litter off the streets. The Mayor ( with chains ) attended our Easter Monday Litterpick. Easter eggs were given to lots of kids who helped us clean up. We even got the Mayor playing a bit of football and showing off her skills at the beautiful Marbles Way Pond.” (Sharon Cranfield)

Thursday 14th April – Stars for the Night, Harlequin Theatre
“Had a fabulous evening at the Harlequin Theatre & Cinema watching “Stars for the Night”! Dancing, Singing and Drama with fully engaged confident young people. Well done to those that have been coaching them – their performances did you credit!.”

Wednesday 6th April – Surrey Stands With Ukraine Coffee Morning, Town Hall
“A BIG THANK YOU to the Mayor of Reigate & Banstead and everyone who attended the coffee morning today. The event has raised £2210 of much need aid for the people of Ukraine Love Reigate and Banstead.”

Wednesday 30th March – Voluntary Action Reigate & Banstead , Town Hall
“Popped in on the Voluntary Action R&B team Meeting it was my pleasure to award Maria with her certificate confirming the many transferable skills she has learnt. If you are interested in volunteering you could contact them on info@varb.org.uk.”

“Renewed Hope are such a fabulous charity that runs out of Shrewsbury Chapel in Redhill. They run a drop in centre where people can have a hot meal and a shower. They’ve just taken on a property to run a supported house for 4 homeless men. Their warm and welcoming volunteers are turning lives around and making a real difference.”

Tuesday March 22nd – RBBC Business Awards, Reigate Manor Hotel
“Fabulous evening last night at the Reigate Manor Hotel for the Reigate and Banstead business awards. Stripey Stork, who we all know and love, won the charity and social enterprise award ! Many thanks to Simon Bland and Diane Dunkley for the splendid arrangements and to Reigate Manor for hosting us!”

Monday March 21st – 1st Nork Cubs, Town Hall
“The 1st Nork Cub pack joined me at the Town Hall to hear about this historic building.”

” I just love all their questions and the amazing directions their young inquiring minds go in. Big BRAVO thank you at the end of the evening !”

Sunday March 20th – YMCA Redhill
“What a lovely way to spend a Sunday! Walking to the YMCA in Redhill. They get a gold star for organising such a brilliant event and laying on gorgeous weather. Some used the occasion to run half or full marathons – get fit and raise money perfect fit!”

“Banstead Cubs came for a visit to the Town Hall full of questions about the Mayoral chains, the mace and everything else! Lovely evening with a great bunch of children!”

“Carol and her volunteers absolutely ensure that they live up to the MHA Communities East Surrey mission to inspire best care and well being at every stage of later life! The was a lovely hubbub of conversation when I arrived, Clive the Pearly King of Woolwich was chatting to groups and later led everyone in a super sing song. Then all to soon it was time to leave!”

“1st Tadworth Sea Scout cub group enjoyed their tour of the town hall and once again this involved lots of questions! During the evening It was my pleasure to present Ben with his Chief Scout Silver Award which is the highest award that the cub can achieve. Very well done!”

“Met with the residents of the Redhill Victoria Almshouses and the governors to open the Platinum Jubilee community room. It’s a lovely facility to enable everyone to get together.”

Friday March 11th – Charity Sleep Out, Town Hall car park
“Rachel and I joined Maggie and some of the RBBC staff for the YMCA East Surrey Sleep Easy. The saying is you need to walk a mile in someone’s shoes before you judge. Sleeping on the streets is not a decision that anyone would take lightly. The YMCA do fantastic work to keep young people off the streets. If you would like to support them then please donate what you can afford to https://www.justgiving.com/ymcaeastsurrey.”

“The delightful children in grasshoppers and caterpillars at Reigate Parish School and the whole school at Charwood put on fabulously entertaining dances that belied their tender ages. A truly enchanting experience.”

Friday March 11th – Arthur Edwards Talk, the Harlequin
“Arthur Edwards the Sun Royal photographer entertained us royally at the Harlequin! So interesting and a Q&A session hosted by Charlie Shakespeare from Susie Radio followed by home-made cakes and tea made for a splendid afternoon – enjoyed by all.”

Friday March 11th – Tree Planting Queen’s Jubilee, Town Hall
“Many thanks to Russell Brian and Jonathon from Greenspaces for facilitating me planting a tree to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee. It was a pleasure to be joined by executive member Councillor Natalie Bramhall.”

Thursday March 9th – Surrey Army Cadets International Womens Day 2022- Reigate
“Colour Sergeant Sara Lane invited me along to the Surrey Army Cadet International Womens’ Day celebrations. Such an inspiring group of young ladies and I wish them well in their future career choices.”

Tuesday March 8th – Age Concern Merstham
“Angela Fraser and I visited the very welcoming home of Age Concern Merstham to present a certificate from the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey that recognised the hard work and commitment of the staff and volunteers – they are certainly a very kind group of people.”

Monday March 7th – Epsom Downs Primary School
“Our next stop With the High Sheriff was Epsom Downs School where we were greeted by the headteacher Anya Salisbury and a fabulous group of children who showed us around the school. After a visit to the farm we were quizzed by the children on the school council. Such a delightful group of inquiring minds!”

Monday March 7th – Community Centre , Banstead
“The final stop of the day with the High Sheriff was at the Community Centre in Banstead where Lisa, the centre manager gave us a tour. We then met the organisers of the MYTI club including Tony the founder.”

“The volunteers do amazing work as do the young people appointed as leaders. The group operates out of the Phoenix Centre in Preston on a Friday evening – look up their website for more information.”

Monday March 7th – High Sheriff of Surrey Visit , Merstham Hub
“Our stop for a sandwich lunch at the Merstham Mix Cafe and a chat with the passionate and committed Jody Halstead who Chairs their board. So many ideas and plans and again a wonderful bunch of volunteers!”

Monday March 7th – High Sheriff of Surrey Visit , Merstham Hub
“The next stop was meeting up with the Merstham community facility trust led by MaryAnn. We met some wonderful volunteers who arrange a wide range of activities, ate cake that was baked by Janet in the Merstham Mix Cafe before heading off in the trishaw piloted by Dr David Aslett for a tour of the area.”

Monday March 7th – High Sheriff of Surrey Visit , Merstham Hub
“The High Sheriff’s visit to Merstham Hub started in the YMCA Nursery where we met not only the manager Jane Bellinger but also Sophie Horan whose two sons have had a fabulous experience attending the nursery. We were later joined by YMCA CEO Ian and Head of childcare and young people Judith together with youth worker Marlin who uses the facility in the evening running youth activities.”

“The children are taught to use soft hands when interacting with three day old chicks. A lovely learning experience for them and us “

Friday March 4th – St. Marks Food Bank, Great Tattenhams
The St Marks Church Food Club had lots of fresh veg thanks to local supermarkets and deliveries via Chris and the Epsom Food Bank. The church family ensures everyone feels very welcome – sustainability in action!

Thursday March 3rd – Active Prospects , Reigate
“Met some truly inspirational people at Active Prospects including a group of their new managers and Matt. Also joined some of the Aspiring Prospects including my old friends James, Molly and Olivia who were working on some great ‘keeping safe online’ presentations “

Sunday February 27th – Reigate Fairtrade Awards
“Rachel and I had a fun morning supporting Cllr Ritter with the launch of Reigate Fairtrade Fortnight. We visited all the shops taking part including the Rose room, the Cook shop, Simply Sport and Oxfam. Then we had home made cake and tea at the Methodist Church Cafe who also sell Fair Trade products. My final task was to pull the winner of their Fairtrade Trail!! “

Monday February 21st – R&B Sports Awards, The Harlequin
“Lovely time at the Reigate and Banstead sports awards organised by Emma Parnell assisted by Natalie, Fran and Norman Phillips. Brilliantly compered by Dave Kelly, Race Director Run Reigate. Well done everyone – fab showcase of talent and community spirit!”

“Congratulations to all the nominees and winners of the various sports awards including Merstham Ladies football teams, Cricketer Nathan and Young Sports Person George! Such an inspiring evening.”

Thursday February 17th – Morrisons Thank You, Town Hall
“Lovely evening with Morrisons staff presenting an award recognising and celebrating the support given to the people of Reigate during the pandemic. Also a personal award to their Community Champion Sue Lumley for the amazing relationships she has built with local charities.”

Wednesday February 16th – Allegra Band, Town Hall
“The Allegra band play at the Remembrance parade at Shaws Corner each year. They add so much to the atmosphere of the event I wanted to invite them to the Town Hall to thank them.”

February – Horley Road, Reigate
“It was a pleasure to open the modernised convenience store and post office in Horley Road Reigate. Speaking to Kash and Roshni’s Customers they were so complimentary about the service they receive from the couple and the post office and shop has made such a difference to everyone’s lives locally.”

Tuesday February 15th – St. Johns Ambulance – Town Hall
” I’ve lost count of the events I’ve been to and the St. John Ambulance have been on duty looking after us. So it was my pleasure to invite them into the Town Hall to thank them for what they do! The St John’s Ambulance are looking for volunteers. So if you are interested or doing your DofE and are looking for your skills or volunteering section then get in touch. They are a really lovely group! “

February – Harlequin
“Fab litter picker thank you event at the Harlequin! So many wonderful people keeping our area beautiful. So many children involved! Special mention to the support given by Raven and the team at the RBBC depot in Earlswood. “

February – Town Hall
“It was my privilege to meet representatives of Level Up Reigate. What a difference this group made to the lives of many children in the Borough. The refurbished computers enabled children to continue their studies during the lockdowns. Well done Raven for the help they gave to the project. “

February – Town Hall
“The Student Council from Merstham Park School visited the Town Hall to learn about how Councillors get elected and what they do and I learnt about the Student Council! Lots of good questions! “

Monday February 6th – Queen’s Platinum Anniversary, Guildford Cathedral
“The Lord Lieutenant of Surrey and the Dean of Guildford invited us to a Choral Evensong at Guildford Cathedral today to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the accession of the Queen. Beautiful singing – very uplifting! “

“Congratulations Your Majesty on the start of your Platinum year!”

February – Age Concern Banstead
“Age Concern Banstead run a wonderful Men’s Club once a month with sandwiches, beer, a packet of crisps and a great speaker! It was all about Concorde this time – so interesting. My attendance raised some eyebrows but I did bring cake! “

Wednesday, February 2nd – Town Hall , Reigate
“Great group from East Surrey College came into the Town Hall yesterday. They do fab work volunteering and litter picking at the Merstham Hub.!”

Sunday, January 30th – Banstead Reigate Ladies Football
“Lovely sunny day Sunday – perfect for the Banstead v Reigate ladies football match. Unfortunately the closely matched game had to be abandoned following a head injury. Hope all is well and that I’m invited back for the rematch!”

Friday January 21st – Summer Reading Challenge Certificate Tattenham Corner Library
“Spent Friday afternoon celebrating with children from both Shawley Way and Epsom Downs schools who had completed the Tattenhams Community library reading challenge. Really fabulous group of children!”

Thursday, January 20th – Age Concern, Banstead
“Such a wonderful time at the Age Concerns musical memories on Thursday, run by Barbara. I supplied the cake and they provided fabulous entertainment including a panto…… I loved it!!”

Thursday January 6th – Banstead High Street
“Lovely afternoon with Cllr Nadean Moses presenting awards recognising and celebrating businesses in Banstead that supported us during the pandemic. Lovely start to the New Year !”

Friday December 24th
St. Mary’s Church, Reigate
“Magical time this evening putting candles on the War Graves in St. Mary’s churchyard Reigate with Graham, his son Leyton and the volunteers who tend the graves.”

“Such a privilege to be part of an act to ensure we do not forget.
Merry Christmas“

Thursday December 23rd – Earlswood Depot
“Fab early start ( 5:30 am) this morning at the depot thanking both our lovely and very busy street cleansing team and our refuse collectors who will all be working over Christmas!!! Two really great teams who do amazing work!”
Saturday December 18th – Horley Tennis Club
“Visited the Horley Tennis Club to award level 1 Australian Academy tennis coaching certificates. Such bright young things who volunteer to help the children with their skills. Well done Gareth and Peter who introduced the scheme.”

Thursday, December 16th – Reigate High Street
“Lovely evening walking around Reigate and singing Christmas songs with Nina and the Unison Choir. Thank you to those who contributed to the collection for George and the Giant Pledge!”

Church of the Good Shepherd – Tadworth
“Simple and moving! Vicar Tim greeted us and he and the choir sang before the lights were turned on to illuminate a glorious nativity scene at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Pure Christmas!”

“Chilling night but a warm welcome made for a lovely carol concert in the Jubilee Woodlands, Tadworth. So festive and the nativity scene needed another photo on the way back to the car!”

Sunday – December 5th
YMCA Santa Run – Priory Park, Reigate
“Completely epic time had by all at YMCA East Surrey Santa Run in Priory Park! A real family day, hundreds of Santas with lots of medals and cups awarded. Huge thanks to the YMCA team!”

Reigate & Redhill Round Table
“Nothing says Christmas like Santa arriving in a helicopter! The children loved it and even Santa had a tear in his eye. Well done Round Table Reigate & Redhill no. 119 for getting into Santa’s busy diary and such a fab fair!”

Friday – December 3rd
Stripey Santa Stork – Redhill
Last week was another busy one here at #SantaStork2021 HQ. We enjoyed welcoming back the Mayor of Reigate & Banstead, who joined our elves, along with Andy and the lovely team from The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill and Paula from Redhill Business Guild. They all donned their Christmas jumpers and got into the festive spirit to help us unpack the latest deliveries from Toy Barnhaus, wrap presents, pack gift bags and load our Santa Sleigh (thanks to Morrisons Solicitors delivery van and volunteer drivers!).Thank you for all your hard work!#TeamStork

If you’d like to spread some Christmas kindness to a child in need (and keep our elves and volunteers busy at Santa Stork HQ!) please pledge a gift via our #SantaShop: https://bit.ly/2ZLuMFJ

December 1st
YMCA – East Surrey
“The High Sheriff of Surrey visited one of my favourite charities yesterday! YMCA East Surrey to see the young people who climbed Snowdon funded by her office and chatted to others using the gym!”

Wednesday – December 1st
Earlswood Depot – Reigate & Banstead
“The High Sheriff of Surrey visited the Earlswood Depot and handed out her awards in recognition of the fabulous work they did during the pandemic. Including delivering food, making friendship telephone calls, plus collecting refuse and tending our greenspaces – I felt very proud!”

Rosebery Manor Care Home
“Calling on one of my first loves – floristry – I visited Rosebery Manor Care Home to meet the lovely residents and did a demo on Christmas wreath making. So many fun stories – I’m going back for lunch!”

Royal Marine Charity Sleigh – Merstham
“Met up with the Royal Marine Charity Sleigh Pull at the Feathers in Merstham as they took a welcome break with a bacon sandwich. All local councillors greeted them and cheered them on their way!”

Reigate Business Guild – Reigate
“Thank you to Reigate Business Guild for arranging the Christmas Fayre and for inviting me, Wishee Washee and the Spirit of the Lamp to turn on the lights. The Reigate Grammar School choir sang brilliantly and the stallholders brought the magic of the Christmas market to Reigate.”

Saturday, November 27th
Tattenham Corner Christmas Market
“Fabulous time turning on the lights at Tattenham Corner with Santa and Kirsty. Hardy stall holders, tasty burgers at Pattisons and reviving tea and cakes at the library! It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas……”

Friday, November 19th
Stripey Stork – Reigate
“Fab morning at Santa Stork! Morrisons Solicitors were busy with deliveries and the ladies from Reigate Hill Golf Club were packing parcels. Visit the Stripey Stork website if you would like to donate!”

Wednesday, November 17th
Vaccination Support Volunteers Awards – The Harlequin
“It was a complete honour and privilege to meet up with our wonderful vaccine volunteers at the HarlequinTheatre.
It makes me very proud to be Mayor of Reigate & Banstead when so many residents put themselves out there to ensure the vaccine rollout was a success. Thank you all.”

Tuesday, November 16th
Thank You to RBL and Remembering WW1 Dead – Town Hall, Reigate

“Two lovely groups came for tea yesterday. The 1st arranged services commemorating 100 years since the death of soldiers from the Banstead area during WW1 – a total of 143. The 2nd group were responsible for the amazing Poppy Appeal results in the area. The guests included fab people from All Saints Church, the local History Research Group and the RBL. Thank you for all you do!”

Monday, November 15th
Reigate 30th Cubs – Town Hall, Reigate
“A lively group of Cubs from 30th Cub group visited the Town Hall on Monday evening for a tour and nearly wore me out with all their questions ! What a fabulous intelligent group of young minds. A complete delight !”

Sunday, November 14th
Poppy Light Display – Town Hall, Reigate

The poppy remains a humble and poignant symbol of Remembrance and hope.This Remembrance Sunday to honour the memory of the men and women who fell in the service of our country poppies have been projected onto the Town Hall in Reigate. The lighting projection was created by the technical team at the Harlequin Theatre and lights were turned on by the Mayor, Cllr Jill Bray.

Sunday, November 14th
Remembrance Service – Shaws Corner, Redhill
“The Remembrance service at Shaws Corner was a very humbling experience this morning. So many citizens turned up to pay their respects to those who paid the ultimate price so we might enjoy the freedoms we have today.”

A recording of the 2021 Service of Remembrance from Redhill is available to watch here: https://orlo.uk/0yebo
Friday, November 12th
Wreath Laying
Tattenham Corner
and Marbles Way

Thursday, November 11th
Mayor’s Thank You to Whitebushes Litter Pick Group
Town Hall – Reigate
“It was a pleasure to invite the Whitebushes litter pickers and Cllr Ruth Ritter to the Town Hall to thank them for keeping their local area litter free and a joy for residents taking their exercise! “

Thursday, November 11th
Banstead Poppy Collection – Waitrose
“Next stop was poppy collecting at Waitrose in Banstead! Tim Snuggs is the Banstead Poppy Collecting Organiser and has done a wonderful job this year.”

Thursday, November 11th
Armistice Day
Remembrance Service – Belfrey Centre Redhill

“Andy Nash and Vic Gellet organised a memorable Armistice Day service at the Belfrey. I had the honour of saying the exhortation, thanking our generous residents and meeting with the Royal British Legion volunteers and collectors.”

Wednesday, November 10th
Anniversary of the Mayor’s Trust Fund, Town Hall – Reigate

“50 years ago Ernie Crowe started the Mayor’s Trust fund. His generosity has enabled subsequent Mayors to help borough residents in need. It was a joy to welcome his daughter Val and her husband together with the Town Clerk and some of his contemporaries to the Town Hall”
Tuesday, November 9th
Active Prospects – Morrisons, Reigate

“I met up with Olivia, James and Nick yesterday from Active Prospects at Morrisons in Reigate. Olivia is just starting a work placement there and together we learnt how to make up a food bank pick up pack! Great fun !”

Monday, November 8th
Priory Park School – Reigate
“Such a lovely time today at Priory Park School planting a tree supplied by Sue, the Morrison’s Community Champion, with the year 5 gardening group. They under planted it with daffodil bulbs so it will look great in the Spring.”

Sunday, November 7th
Salfords and Sidlow Council Community
“Lovely afternoon at the Salfords and Sidlow Village Hall thanking volunteers for the splendid work they have done during the pandemic to help local people. It was a joy to hand out awards along side Wayne Clark the chair of the Parish Council.”

Friday, October 22nd
RBL Poppy Appeal Launch – Pirbright
“The 2021 Royal British legion Poppy Appeal was launched at the Army Training centre at Pirbright today. Please give generously this year! New recruit Kirsty Williamson sang ‘I vow to thee my country’ – amazing!”

Wednesday, October 20th
Include Choir Rehearsal – Hatchlands Primary School
“Next stop was the Include Choir rehearsal followed by an interesting filmed interview with Alix, the choir director, Geoffrey Dennis and Josh about the great work Include does. This will be used in a Christmas fund raiser which will be £matched! Please give generously.”
See the video here.

Wednesday, October 20th
Merstham Park School Awards
“Such an inspiring evening at the Merstham Park School celebration event held at the Lime Tree School. Paralympian gold medal winner Ann Usher gave a hugely motivating talk and the head boy and girl started proceedings. Hopefully by next year the MPS will be in their new school!”

Monday, October 18th
Cranston Library Lecture, St Marys – Reigate
“Hilary Ely and Andrea Thomas, trustees of the Cranston library, both gave excellent lectures at St Mary’s church Reigate. Some of the oldest books from the library were on display which were used to illustrate both talks – fascinating!”

Monday, October 18th
Hatchlands Primary School – Redhill
“Such a happy day with the Lord Lieutenant opening the Hatchlands School! The children are confident and delightful whilst the Head and and her staff are excellent role models for them. Penny Machell has worked so hard for this day and should be really proud!”

Friday, October 15th
Town Twinning Association – Nutfield

“Fun walk around Spynes Mere and the good company of the Reigate and Banstead Twinning Association made for an interesting morning. The pub lunch at the Inn on the Pond afterwards was great!”

Thursday, October 14th
Tadworth Litter Pickers Thank You – Town Hall
“Another lovely evening thanking the Tadworth Tattenhams and Kingswood litter pickers. The younger members enjoyed dressing up in the mini mayor outfit!.”

Monday, October 11th
Kate’s 100 Birthday – Banstead
“The lovely Kate’s 100th birthday celebrations culminated in a fabulous birthday tea hosted by Age Concern Banstead.”

“Jane made a wonderful cake and Kate proudly showed us all her birthday card from the Queen! Many happy returns Kate !”

Monday, October 11th
Horley in Bloom
“Another lovely event last evening as certificates, cups and prizes were award to entrants in the Horley in Bloom competition. All ages were represented and even a local Town and Borough Councillor scooped two awards!”

“The evening ended with Carol Fenton receiving an award to mark her superb service totalling over 25years !”

Friday, October 8th.
Marketfield Way Development – Redhill

“It’s a delight to see the excellent progress being made at the development. Today we’re not only celebrating that the construction has reached its highest point, we’re also celebrating the great work of the many people involved in this significant project for Redhill. It will give residents and workers a fantastic new leisure destination for day and evening entertainment, boost the local economy, create hundreds of jobs and provide modern new homes.”

Friday, October 1st.
Home Start – East Surrey
“What a fab group of smiley happy people at Home-Start East Surrey. For 27 years the staff, trustees and 50+ volunteers have all been united in their desire to help, support, befriend and advise parents of young children. They’re marvellous!”

Tuesday, September 28th.
NHS Awards – Epsom Downs Racecourse
NHS Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Awards were presented by the Mayor, Cllr. Jill Bray.
Congratulations to all of the nominees, you are all outstanding.
“It gave me enormous pleasure to hand out awards to some of our fabulous NHS staff from Epsom and St Helier hospitals attending a conference at the Epsom Downs race course today. On behalf of the residents of Borough of Reigate and Banstead I gave them our heartfelt thanks for all they have done for us during the Coronavirus pandemic. A wonderful group of people”

Sunday, September 26th.
Diamond Centre Riding for the Disabled
“Everyone turned out today to enjoy the Diamond Disabled Riding School autumn fair! A marvellous fundraiser for them and a pleasure for me to meet riders who all said how much confidence they get from riding. It’s an amazing place and they are looking for sponsors for their horses and volunteers to help.”

Friday, September 24th.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
“What a fabulous day to hold a MacMillan coffee morning! Sue did a wonderful job organising the event with the help of staff and volunteers. I took the opportunity to thank some of our great NHS workers and to talk to some of the patients who really appreciate what MacMillan do for them.”

Friday, September 24th.
MacMillan Centre
“On Friday I was interviewed by Katie from Radio Redhill in the fabulous gardens that are maintained by a wonderful volunteer at the MacMillan Centre based at East Surrey Hospital. The centre is superb and the staff and volunteers create a safe welcoming place for cancer patients away from the hubbub of the hospital.”

Tuesday, September 21st.
The Reigate & Banstead Volunteer Awards

The Reigate & Banstead Volunteer Awards made a triumphant return at Redhill’s Harlequin Theatre & Cinema last night, with more than 40 individuals and groups celebrated for their selfless contributions to the community, before and during the pandemic.
The vast majority of winners were able to attend the special ceremony, with the Mayor of Reigate & Banstead, Cllr Jill Bray, on hand to present the awards to winners.
There were five categories, each with several winners nominated by residents, which were: Crisis Response, Young Volunteer, Individual Volunteer, Individual Trustee, and Team. The scheme, now in its 18th year, is organised by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council in partnership with Voluntary Action Reigate and Banstead (VARB).Well done to everyone involved! For the full list of winners, visit: https://orlo.uk/l5kK5
“It gave me enormous pleasure to present winners with their certificates and thank them for their hard work at Reigate & Banstead Volunteer Awards. The awards are a wonderful opportunity to shine a spotlight on the incredible volunteers we have in our borough!”

Saturday, September 18th.
“What a fab day – the Tattenham community group worked hard to get a great selection of stall holders to their market and lots of local people turned out and the sun shone! Well done to the committee who run the group.”

“Fab weather for the postponed Tattenhams Community fair and the Volunteer run library threw themselves into the event with a refreshment stall of homemade cakes and drinks with other volunteers manning a book stall. 4 of the 30+ youngsters who completed the summer reading challenge were selected for a prize!”

Saturday, September 18th.
“David Kelly should be very proud of his flagship event – Run Reigate. Brilliant organisation he oversees 5000 individuals running a variety of events with amazing back up of medical and other safety support. Great time had by all.”

Saturday, September 18th.
“Not only is Run Reigate a great event for runners it’s also an opportunity for charities to raise money with sponsorship and awareness. SASH, Stripey Stork, St Catherine’s Hospice and the Lucy Rayner Foundation runners were very well represented. Well done everyone!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“Officially opened the Horley cafe in the park Saturday which local residents tell me they are really enjoying! Also awarded Town council awards to Michael for litter picking and Yvonne who started the walkie-talkie walking group. And the sun shone!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“Visited the tennis courts that Horley Council had arranged for CIL funding to refurbish.”
“It was a pleasure to see youngsters being coached by Gareth Balch funded Horley Lawn Tennis Club and ladies having fun playing pickle ball! “
“All on the day that Emma Raducuna won the US Open!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“Lovely to spend some time on my home turf on Saturday visiting the Preston Community event.”

“The hard work put in beforehand by Maria Hewson, our community support officer, was plain to see and everyone had a fab time. Lots of brilliant stalls and it was great to chat to everyone!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“I hope all who attended the Heritage Open day at Town Hall on Saturday enjoyed the event! It was thrilling for us to show off our wonderful building and I very much hope that the event will run more normally next year without the need to book in advance!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“Don’t you just love the YMCA East Surrey. They do so much for the local community and this venture at the old fire station in Horley is to provide youth drop in and after school facilities. Go to their web site to learn more!”

Saturday, September 11th.
“Fab start to the day at Banstead Park run organised by Dave and a host of volunteers. Longcroft doctors surgery under doctors Emanuel, Rafi and Padi are encouraging patients and staff to participate for the well documented physical and mental health benefits.”

Sunday, September 5th.
“This morning Banstead Commons Conservators led a group of local Councillors around Banstead Heath to tell them about the work of the Conservators and the management of the four sites – Park Downs, Banstead Downs, Burgh Heath and Banstead Heath – that are in our care.
“Thank you to Cllrs Luke Bennett, Caroline Neame, Nadean Moses, Peter Harp and Mayor Jill Bray and Deputy Mayor Rachel Turner for joining us, it was a pleasure to show you around the Heath on such a beautiful morning.”
Lucy Shea – Clerk to Conservators

Saturday, September 4th
“What a great time we had at the Cromwell community fun day on Saturday! They certainly know how to come together to raise awareness of issues, to show diversity in action and to have fun!”

August 15th. Mayor Jill, her consort Richard and Deputy Rachel joined about 80 people on a fabulous treasure trail around Banstead and the local area on Sunday to raise funds and awareness for Age Concern. “The rain held off and there were plenty of happy raffle prize winners!” @ageconcernbanst

August 16th. (Far right) Mayor Jill, and Richard, visited the Treeptops holiday club held at Furzefield Primary school today. “Lots of committed staff including Charlotte and Jodie and very happy children. Plus a fab pottery class run by Ellen from Watts Gallery Compton.”@treetopsclubs

August 7th – Banstead Rotary
The Banstead Village Fair on 7 August was yet another success this year with 24 stall holders representing a wide variety of local charities and organisations. The Orchard was colourfully set out with tombolas, raffles, bric-a-brac, cakes and many tables giving information to the members of the public. Surrey Fire & Rescue and Surrey Police (Reigate Beat) provided a Fire Engine and Police Car at nearby Christ Church which were a big attraction for the younger visitors as usual

Sunday, August 1st
The Include Choir
“Thank you so much for having me!
The Include Choir is a fabulous organisation which does amazing work and I had a brilliant time meeting the team.
I look forward to attending a rehearsal next term and I promise to bring cake next time 🍰”

Here are some pictures from yesterday, when we were joined by the very impressive Mayor of Reigate & Banstead, Cllr Jill Bray for a lovely session in the park. We’re back in September with a range of on & offline activities – starting with a fabulous booking to sing and sign at an outdoor wedding reception! Not just any wedding – it’s Sue, who sets our songs to music and plays keyboard, and Paul who also does a huge amount for our charity ❤
July 23rd. The Mayor joined in the excitement at Age Concern Merstham to open their new outdoor space,

“A perfect place to relax outdoors. What an amazing transformation.”

“A dream made possible by CSR and the fab young people from Santander, Splash and PSA Finance!”

July 23rd. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor getting the chance to try out the enormous deck chair at last week’s Pride On The Road Event. “Congratulations to the Pride Team for putting on a fabulous roadshow.”

July 14th.The Mayor had a fab time at Stripey Stork today! “Such an amazing group of volunteers. They’ve worked throughout the pandemic (covid secure) ensuring every single request for help has been met.
Thursday, July 8th.
Stunning performance of Oliver at the Banstead prep school last night. Refreshing enthusiastic and professional – a real treat!

July 7th. Jill was opening the new Surrey Choices hub on the Cromwell Estate today. The event was a mix of virtual and real life expertly put together by their tech team. Their partners were also there to help with the celebrations!
Jill chatted to Mette the MD and Jerry Ratcliff the COO about their ambitious plans. To Matthew about his gardening and Nicola about her Red Cross work. Then Dario gave Jill a tour of the fab building with Eli.
This was the Mayor’s maiden ribbon cutting event !

July 6th. The Mayor, Cllr Jill Bray, did the honours of turning on the lights.

“Last night our Town Hall in Reigate was lit blue in honour of all the NHS and key workers across the borough and the country. Wishing the NHS a happy 73rd birthday and congratulations on being awarded the George Cross by Her Majesty the Queen. Thank you to all the extraordinary NHS staff who are there to support and care for us.”
July 5th. Cllr Jill Bray, the Mayor, invited local NHS doctors, nurses and other fabulous staff to Reigate’s Castle Grounds to celebrate NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers Day.”It was a great opportunity to thank them and their staff who supported us during the Covid battle.”

June 21st. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Reigate & Banstead Borough Council attended a flag raising service in Redhill’s Memorial Park today to honour our Armed Forces past, present and future.

June 17th. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor visited Priory Park with Donna from Stripey Stork today to experience the magical and stripey fairy doors!

“Stripey didn’t help them but they did find them all – such fun! Come to the Park, get a map and take part!”