Following the introduction of our new website we have now launched a new monthly e-newsletter.

In addition to our regular paper newsletter this will provide news, views and articles covering a wide range of topics of local interest. Our aim is to provide  neighbours with a source of current and useful information about the community in which we live.

It’s free to all residents by subscribing here:

No cost or obligation – you can unsubscribe at any time

You will receive an email message upon registering asking you to confirm your subscription

Privacy Statement

What is the Tattenham & Preston Residents Association ?

The Tattenham & Preston Residents Association is run by residents for residents.

We believe that national party politics have no place in local councils, creating unnecessary antagonisms and divisiveness.
This is a wonderful area to live in and working as a community is one of the ways to keep it this way.

Our objectives are to:

  • Preserve and improve local amenities
  • Develop community initiatives and events
  • Foster good local government, representing residents at both
    Reigate & Banstead Borough and Surrey County Councils

Residents contact us on these main areas of concern:

  • Planning
  • Local Transport, Roads and Parking
  • Policing and Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Local Health Services
  • Environmental Issues

Lonesome Ponds – Burgh Heath