The Reigate & Banstead Borough Council process dozens of Planning Applications. Some of these are very relevant to the residents of the Tattenham Corner & Preston ward. The procedure involves the borough councillors on the Planning Committee viewing and discussing the applications on a monthly basis. Some are refused on various grounds, and the reasons are displayed on the council website.

To see more about the council Planning Department go here.

Planning Decision – 23 – 33 Great Tattenhams

Update 3: October 24th. Second decision by Inspectorate handed down. Appeal rejected and council’s original decision to reject still stands. See here.

Update 2: The council have taken legal advice and measures and the Inspectorate’s decision has been quoshed for now. Still pending.

Update1: The Planning Inspectorate has accepted the appeal lodged by the developers and overturned the refusal issued by the Reigate & Banstead Planning Committee.

November 12th, 2020. Demolition of existing buildings and structures and replacement with a new residential development which includes soft and hard landscaping, car and cycle parking provision and refuse and recycling facilities. 23-33 Great Tattenhams Epsom Downs Epsom Surrey KT18 5RF. For Planning Department details , see here.

This application was refused in November 2020. The developers lodged an appeal, as is their right, and this will be decided shortly. Cllr. Nick Harrison has sent a letter to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol, re iterating the main reasons for the previous refusal. These include the potential for significant flooding. You can read the letter here.

Planning Decision – Chavecroft Development

June 9th, 2021. The Planning Committee approved this development. There was general support for the scheme with added conditions relating to the parking situation in the area. Input from our three ward councillors was taken on board by Raven Housing Trust. In due course the full approval documents will be available. More details of the development can be seen here.