Raven Proposal for New Housing on the Chavecroft Site


In June 2021, the Planning Committee conditionally approved this development. Issues concerning parking and access were discussed and conditions were applied. The report to the Planning Committee is available here. You can see the original full documentation here.

The minutes of the meeting recorded the decision as below:

Planning Committee, 9 June 2021 Minutes ( Extract )


The Committee considered an application at Chave Croft, Broad Walk, Epsom Downs for the Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a total of 23 homes with associated amenity space, landscaping, car and cycle parking. As amended on 31/03/2021, 12/04/2021 and on 12/05/2021.
Councillor Harrison, a visiting member, spoke in support of the application. A brief history of the site was given, and it was explained that latterly the site was used for temporary housing and there had been some issues of anti-social behaviour. The design was complex due to changing land levels, however following a site visit it was felt that this was a good design and overlooking would not be an issue.
Following public consultation, there had been some amendments to the design.

Condition 11 was referred to in respect of parking and the Housing Association had now met the Council’s parking standard. A solution had also been achieved regarding access for the refuse vehicle. The proposal provides much needed social housing.

RESOLVED that subject to completion of a Section 106 legal agreement, planning permission be GRANTED with conditions, as per the recommendation and addendum, and regarding Condition 11, the officer is asked to consult with Ward Members on details submitted and the additional informative to state:

The applicant is requested to consider further solutions to help address the onstreet parking issues affecting the locality.

End of extract from minutes.

Note: The application remains only conditionally approved because the completion of the section 106 legal agreement is awaited. This is not expected to hold up development of the site.

The Proposal

Raven Housing Trust are proposing to redevelop the Chavecroft Housing site. The site, at the corner of Broad Walk and Long Walk, originally provided sheltered housing to older residents, but has not been used as such for a number of years because of decreasing demand. The site was being used as temporary accommodation for individuals or families awaiting permanent rehousing. The maximum occupancy for the bedsits is 3 people, and due to this limited size, households have struggled to fit a bed and a cot into the main living/sleeping space. Raven have progressively moved people out to alternative provision and the site is now vacant.

Raven plans to build 23 new affordable homes on the site which will involve the demolition of the current buildings and the development of 2 new detached blocks.

Block 1 will comprise five 3-bedroom family homes, each with its own garage and off-roadparking space.

Block 2 will comprise 18 flats, with a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom units.

There would be 34 new parking spaces, 5 new garages and 11 of the existing parking spaces used by residents of Chavecroft Terrace would be re-provided.   There would be private amenity spaces for the houses and flats, and improvements to the existing open spaces.


In October 2020 Raven held a consultation with residents and businesses nearby, including a zoom meeting. The major issues raised were to do with traffic and especially parking. The original designs met only a lower County Council parking standard, but after pressure from residents and the Residents Association the parking provision was raised to the higher Borough Council standard.

Other comments raised were to do with the location of the refuse bins for Chavecroft Terrace. Raven have taken these points on board. Some residents of Long Walk were concerned about overlooking and privacy. Raven think they have provided reassurance on this.

See more plans here.