Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a locally driven initiative where active members of the community, with the support of the police and the local authority, monitor speeds of vehicles at specific locations using speed detection devices. 

It has already been successful in Surrey and other parts of the country. CSW has had a significant impact in re-educating motorists regarding speed and raising their awareness of the impact that anti-social driving has on communities. Schemes have also reduced the threat of safety to individuals, particularly very young people and the elderly. Communities have also reported a much-improved environment and a greater feeling of safety.

How it works

Members of a local Community Speedwatch group with the support and supervision of our local police will record details of speeding vehicles using approved detection devices.

The registered keepers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit are then contacted – initially with a letter explaining the potential risks and consequences of their dangerous behaviour. Repeat offenders will receive a visit from the local police, irrespective of where they live. Beyond these friendly gestures, focused enforcement and criminal prosecution may follow based on the collated evidence.

If there is sufficient interest from residents, T&PRA committee member Tim Snuggs would like to establish a local CSW group.

He says, “ I believe we have a speeding problem and would like to set up a scheme covering both Nork and Tattenhams and Preston areas but can only do this with your help. I am looking for enthusiastic and willing volunteers so we can commence this initiative. Full training will be given by Surrey Police”

If you would like more information or are interested in establishing a local CSW group, email Tim Snuggs at: