Tattenhams Community Library organised a small summer fair held outside the library on Saturday 13th May. It started off as a plant and second-hand book sale but grew into quite a community event. Additional bric-a-brac, toy tombola and tea and cake stalls were run by the library and the local guides and scouts and Tattenham & Preston Community Group ran their own stalls raising additional funds for their own use.
St Mark’s Church’s Sing Choir provided entertainment and the occasion was used to raise the Tattenham & Preston community flag for the first time.
It was quite a cold morning but at least it stayed dry.
Here are some more photos of the event:

Sing Choir from St Mark’s Church

Cake Stall

Plant Stall

Bric-a-Brac Stall

Painting Stones

Guides guess the number of badges

Soft toy Tombola