An Update from Councillors Nick Harrison & Jill Bray

Shawley Primary School – now independent of the County Council and managed by the Leo Academy Trust – have submitted a planning application to lay out a new artificial grass pitch with associated perimeter fencing and LED sports lighting.

The application (which can be accessed on the Borough Council’s website under reference 22/02601/F), at the time of writing, had received more than 80 comments from the public. The website is still open for public comments, should you wish to give a view.

The school did run a public meeting – before the plans were submitted to the Council – to present the proposal and listen to comments and objections, but unfortunately the audience was limited to homes bordering the School and so it wasn’t publicised as widely as it could have been.

As with all major applications that effect the residents of our ward we took the necessary steps to really understand the impact of it. As well as arranging a meeting with the planners at Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, we met with the CEO and COO of the Trust as well as the headteacher of the school.

During the meeting we took all of the objections that had been raised in turn with particular attention to the out-of-hours community use which appears to be the major concern. Taking each in turn this was the Academy and the Schools response:-

  • Size of the Sports Pitches – with a large pitch, overlayed by 3 x 5 a-side pitches.

The application was for a 9 a-side pitch and under the Football Association rules this is suitable for children aged 12 and under. The main pitch will be lined up with 3 x 5 a-side pitches and in the main they will be used for PE lessons during the school day.  A maximum of two pitches will be available for hire at other times again with the same age restrictions. To provide additional comfort to local residents they are looking to limit the number of children on site when the facilities are rented out.

  • Hours of Use – The application proposes use on Monday to Friday 8:30 to 21:00, on Saturdays 10:00 to 19:00, and Sundays/ Bank Holidays 10:00 to 16:00.

Leo agreed that given the ages of the children using the facilities the use up to 21:00 hours was not necessary, and they would scale back the hours in the week and weekend. They also propose to have at least one evening (Fridays?) completely free from use.

  • Traffic and Highways Safety – caused by large numbers of cars visiting the site.

The School has taken on board a suggestion made by an objector to the scheme and are looking at extending on-site parking, into the main playground.

  • Light Pollution and Overspill – into neighbouring properties.

The Academy explained that this issue had been addressed after the consultation meeting and that the proposed lighting had already been scaled back to eliminate overspill into any of the residents’ gardens. We asked them to be specific in the lighting proposals so residents have a better idea of the impact – is it like the Banstead Athletic Football Club in Merland Rise or more akin to the tennis club lights in Downs Wood, so residents can truly judge the potential impact.

  • Noise and Disturbance – from whistles and player shouting.

When the facilities are rented out the players will be for 12’s and under so the School felt this was not so much an issue.

  • Drainage Issues – with certain properties suffering from recent downpours.

This issue was raised by us as we are aware of the water run off from the school playing fields – they will take this issue back to the consultants to ensure this development does not exacerbate the problem.

  • Construction Issues and Disturbance from the degree of levelling required for the pitches.

Leo acknowledged that the service road into the playing fields needed improvement and they are having a separate meeting with the residents that are specifically affected.

  • Lack of Changing Rooms and Toilet Facilities.

The School have said that the early years unit and the breakfast club room would be open for changing and toilets during times when the facilities are rented for community use.

  • Need for the Sports Pitch, given other nearby facilities, for instance at the Tadworth Leisure Centre.

Leo reiterated that the main goal was to provide the School with a 9 a-side pitch for the under 12’s and as an additional benefit the school would also have 3×5 a-side pitches to use during PE lessons.

During the meeting we also expressed the view that the application had been prepared on a theoretical basis particularly the Transport study which indicated a high percentage of users would arrive using public transport. Interestingly they also presumed the site to be located in Epsom & Ewell borough! Leo admitted that they had perhaps over-relied on consultants to put the bid together, and not provided sufficient direction.

We have deferred our meeting with the planners to allow Leo time to amend their planning application – particularly for the use outside of school hours, to make the application more acceptable to residents. Conditions will be added to the application to make the amendments binding and enforceable commitments.

Councillors Nick Harrison & Jill Bray