Recycling – are we getting it right?

In Tattenham & Preston we have a good record for recycling our waste, but it could be better. Currently our Council states that we recycle just over 53% of our waste compared to a UK average of 46%. And the further good news is that most of the recycling takes place in the UK with only 2% estimated to travel overseas (mainland Europe).

But experts estimate that our recycling percentage could be increased to as much as 80% if everything that could be, was recycled.

The Council website provides a detailed list of what can and can’t be recycled but here are a few tips to consider:

• Keep recyclable waste loose – don’t put it in bags
• You can use plastic bags to contain your food waste, you do not need to use compostable bags
• Supermarket plastic food trays can be recycled but remove any cling film and give them a quick rinse
• Wax cardboard cartons go in mixed recycling not with cardboard
• Ensure any plastic and polystyrene is removed from cardboard and flatten cardboard boxes
• No sweet wrappers, crisp packets, toothpaste tubes, plastic bags, cling film or bubble wrap – plastic film can now be taken to front of store at many supermarkets for recycling
• Hard and brittle plastics (e.g. coat hangers, toys, etc.) cannot be put in the mixed recycling (as they shatter when compacted in the vehicle), so should go in general waste.

“Dusty Bin” – One of Reigate & Banstead’s new cleaner and greener recycling trucks

Clothes and footwear cannot be recycled via the weekly bin collection but if you use the special receptacles at recycling centres, they can find a new home or be broken down for recycling.

In our area most bins are collected on Tuesday morning with food (green caddy) and paper recycling (black box) every week, and mixed recycling (black bin) and general waste (green bin) every two weeks. Garden waste (brown bin), for residents who subscribe to the service, will be collected on alternate weeks to the main bin collection.

There are also local recycling centres in the car parks opposite Tattenham Station and at the Asda store. In addition, there is a receptacle for shoes and textiles at Tadworth station and Tadworth Leisure Centre.

Let’s see if we can increase our recycling over the coming year!

For detailed information about what can and can’t be recycled and access to the Council’s recycling search tool, click here.

How NOT do it ! Tattenham Corner Recycling Centre – December 26th