As part of our efforts to ensure that we bring a focus for our residents around this Remembrance time we decided to place poppies on the lamp posts in our ward.

Like the D-Day landings the task was delayed by inclement weather, but with the forecast of a short break from the wind and rain an intrepid group of Tattenham & Preston Residents Association committee members set out to complete the job !

Martin, Asad (up ladder), Richard, Kathy (supervising).

The poppies were purchased from the British Legion using funds from your Residents Association together with donations from the Tattenham Corner Community and the Tattenhams Community Library.

We decided that this year we would concentrate our efforts on the main thoroughfares of our ward so the poppies have been put up from Tattenham Corner to the Marbles Way shops taking in Great Tattenhams, Merland Rise, Preston Lane and Marbles Way. Plus a sprinkling around our schools and road junctions.

In the years to come we will hopefully increase the number of roads that are bedecked with poppies!

Ian and Asad


