Planning Matters – 16 Downs Wood and the rear gardens of 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 46 Yew Tree Bottom Road
Another significant planning application that was refused by Reigate & Banstead has recently gone to appeal.
This application provides for the building of eight new homes on land currently part of gardens in Yew Tree Bottom Road with an access road provided from the demolition of 16 Downs Wood.
There have been previous applications on this site which were declined by the Council and on appeal but in the latest application the number of properties has been scaled down from 12 to eight.
Of these eight properties six are 4/5 bedroomed detached and two 2-bedroomed semi-detached properties. All are using loft space for accommodation. The properties are very close together and have gardens considerably smaller than neighbouring properties.
155 local residents responded to the last application with all objecting to it. There were many reasons given for their objections, but key concerns were the design of the new properties being out of character with the area, poor access and the increase in traffic and parking in the neighbourhood
Residents were also angry and frustrated by the number of slightly changed applications they have had to respond to over the years. These two comments sum up the feelings of local residents:
“I was disappointed to learn of yet another amendment ….. following the 4 other amendments to the original proposal …… This continuing filing of amendments is very disruptive to residents of Downs Wood and should not be permitted.”
“Once again, we go through the charade of a further tweaked application. My previous comments still stand, and I remain aligned with the multitude of my neighbours who have clearly, strongly, and with great detail, articulated the various reasons why this application should be rejected, once and for all!”
This latest application was refused by the Council in March 2021 for the following reasons:
- The bulk, scale and massing of the dwellings , dominance of hard surfaces and parking areas would appear cramped, overly dense, car dominated and out of character with the area.
- Part of the development would be very close to an adjacent property and be harmful to the existing residents’ amenities.
- The arrangements for refuse and recycling collection would have a harmful impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties.
Despite the past history of this case, the developers have now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, completely disagreeing with the Council’s decision. In their Written Representations they claim that they have met all previous objections and should be granted planning permission for this development. They also refuse to accept that any of the 155 objectors’ views are valid.
You can see more details of the original Planning Committee refusal here.
The Planning Inspectorate will now review this case and decide whether to back the Council’s decision or overrule it and grant planning permission. Any information concerning the appeal must be submitted by 12th November.
We will keep you informed