Last year, we fought a planning application from Hutchison 3G UK Ltd to install a 20-metre telephone mast on the green opposite the Tattenham Corner shops. Many residents objected at the time leading to Reigate & Banstead Planning Department declining the application. We have now been advised that Hutchison has now appealed to The Planning Inspectorate. The Residents Association believe that a 20-metre mast together with a number of cabinets with associated technology would be totally out of character with the area and alter the village green aspect at the heart of the community. This green is used regularly for community events and local recreation. The mast would also be an eyesore for neighbouring properties.
You can read more about this planning application on our website here:
This is a photograph of the mast recently installed next to the Asda Car Park in Burgh Heath.

The one planned for Tattenham Corner will be similar. The Planning Inspector will see and review earlier objections, but it may help if further representations are made to him/her. If you would like to make representations about this planning appeal you can register your objections online via the Building Inspectorate’s Appeals Casework Portal:

In the search case box insert the Planning Inspectorate’s reference: 3283840 and then follow the instructions. Your representations need to be submitted by the 10th March 2022.
Thank you very much for your interest and support.