Dear Resident,
We are writing this article to introduce the Nork & Tattenhams Flood Action Group. Many houses in both catchments have been flooded in recent years because of flash flooding after heavy rainfall. We are a group of residents who have been affected by this flooding and have been set up as a committee by the National Flood Forum (NFF). As such we hope to prevent further flooding in the area, so others don’t have to go through what we experienced.

The NFFis an independent charity supporting people who are affected by flooding in England and Wales. They “are there in the aftermath of a flood to offer practical advice and emotional support” and have a helpline to support address questions and provide information on any subject relating to flooding (insurance, property flood resilience measures, natural flood management, etc). More information can be found at or email
We have met regularly since January 2022, and we have gone through a process of creating a draft Flood Action Plan (FAP) which is a starting point for meetings with the flood risk management authorities – Surrey County Council, Thames water, Reigate and Banstead Council etc. At the same time, we have gained an understanding of which agencies/authorities have which roles and responsibilities as well as any financial restraints that need to be considered.
The NFF arranged our first Multi-Agency Meeting (MAM) in May 2022 to work out the best way that the agencies can take the plan forward. These meetings are not public but amongst our Group and the flood risk management authorities. Following this initial MAM, our Group has met again and reviewed the decisions of the meeting and adjusted the Flood Action Plan appropriately. Further Multi-Agency Meetings will follow where agencies update their progress, explain where there are issues that need to be ironed out or will take longer than anticipated and see what the next stage of the process might be. This means that a Flood Action Plan is an evolving process which the community and the agencies can continue to feed ideas into.
Some of the possible solutions we are exploring include Rain Gardens and improved drainage for the whole catchment which will benefit all residents – further details in future updates from the group
At this stage we would ask two things of you.
1) Please report any blocked drains you see when out and about locally. If they are not reported, then the council don’t know they need repairing! This includes obviously those not draining when it rains but also any with weeds growing out of them or containing any visible debris which will reduce their effectiveness. This can be done simply and anonymously at the Surrey County Council website, specifically at
The more that are reported results in fewer houses being flooded.
2) If you have any specific points you would like the Committee to be aware of, please contact us at
Many thanks
Nork&Tattenhams Flood Group