Surrey County Council is responsible for maintaining and repairing our roads. Funding for road resurfacing and repairs is sadly insufficient to take care of everything so the Council has to prioritise its works schedule. Surrey’s plan for the County’s roads is called “Operation Horizon”. The Residents’ Association has campaigned for repairs and are proud that, over the last eight years, more than 45 projects have been delivered.
Most projects are usually on the major through roads, but our Surrey councillor is able to push for more local projects that may not meet the County’s key priorities but are causing problems.
Neighbours in the Merland Rise area will have noted the resurfacing of part of Headley Grove last month.

This is a cul-de-sac and therefore not a Council priority. But Councillor Nick Harrison considered that the poor condition of the surface required attention and worked with Surrey’s Local Highways Services Group to carry out the resurfacing of a major part of this road.
Nick says that the most important priority for our area is now Chetwode Road which is in a very poor state of repair. He is waiting for the major house building works to be completed at the far end, but hopes that this will be the next road to receive a major overhaul.

Chetwode Road is in a very poor condition and next on the list for a major overhaul
Resurfacing work was also carried out on Chapel Grove, Tattenham Grove, and Merland Green in the last 18 months.
Although major projects can take some time to complete, there is also a team that takes care of smaller but urgent problems (for example, potholes) that can arise. You can report an issue using the Council’s website here.