Over the last two years Preston and Tadworth residents and other users of the Burgh Heath woods will have observed the extensive reworking of the area around the Lonesome Ponds. These have included cleaning out silt and building up an embankment to prevent the flooding of the path during wet winters.
Now it is possible to see the end result of all this work which was organised by the Banstead Commons Conservators (BCC). The Chetwode Road pond area is green and the vegetation has exploded this summer. The same can be said for the Long Walk pond surroundings which were just a large expanse of mud and silt immediately after cleaning.
The work has been paid for by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding which the Conservators had applied for from the Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.
Flooding Winter 2021
After extensive clearing April 2022
Lonesome Pond Chetwode Summer 2023
Long Walk pond after silt clearance February 2022.
Lonesome Pond Long Walk Summer 2023