This is the month you can start to make changes to your garden for next year.  The days are starting to shorten, and the air is fresher.  For those of you who grow fruit and vegetables you will  be harvesting.  For those more interested in an ornamental garden now is the time to start planting spring-flowering bulbs for next year.

Bulb planting

Bulbs make a wonderful display planted in containers or borders. Planning and purchasing of the bulbs start in August/September.

When to plant bulbs


  • Plant spring-flowering bulbs  including daffodils, tulips, crocus and hyacinths, preferably by the end of September
  • Plant tulips in November or even up to mid-December
  • Plant hardy summer-flowering bulbs, such as lilies, alliums and crocosmia, in September and October

Most hardy bulbs, including tulips and daffodils, prefer a warm, sunny site with good drainage as they come from areas with dry summer climates

How to plant bulbs

Plant as soon as possible. Aim to plant in groups of at least six, as the more bulbs that are grouped together, the better the display. Typically, 25 to 50 bulbs may be needed to make an impressive show.

  1. Dig a hole wide and deep enough for your bulbs. Plant most bulbs at two to three times their depth. For example, for a bulb measuring 5cm (2in) high, dig a hole 10-15cm (4-6in) deep and sit the bulb in the bottom of it
  2. Place the bulbs in the hole with their ‘nose’, or shoot, facing upwards. Space them at least twice the bulb’s own width apart
  3. Replace the soil and gently firm with the back of a rake. Avoid treading on the soil as this can damage the bulbs
  4. If the ground is moist or the bulbs are autumn-planted, watering is not critical. Otherwise water straight after planting

Plant  crocuses in your lawn for a display in spring.  Best to plant in an area of grass that you can leave un-mown for a few weeks after the crocuses have flowered as they need to die back without being disturbed.  First of all cut open your grass at an even depth and lift back.  Loosen the soil you have exposed down to about 5cms and scatter the crocus bulbs ensure the bulbs have the pointed end upwards.  Gently pull the turf over them and press down the sides.  Gently tap the turf with the back of a spade.

Plant hyacinth bulbs in pots now for winter and spring flowering. Plant several bulbs 10cm deep into a pot using multi-purpose compost.  Place somewhere cold and dark for about ten weeks until shoots appear and then move into a light airy spot to bring on the flowers.

This is also a good time to plant winter and spring bedding plants.  Prepare the soil by weeding it and ensure it has good drainage, then plant pansies, wallflowers and ornamental cabbages.

I planted Gladiolus murietae, also called Abyssinian gladiolus. bulbs this year.  I planted them in the spring.  After planting 1-metre-high long grassy leaves started to appear and in August gorgeous hooded white flowers came out.  I have never heard of it before but recommend it. (pictured below).

Abyssinian gladiolus


As the weather becomes autumnal, you can plant and move shrubs and trees. The soil is still warm and there is still a decent amount of sun, allowing  plants  to get a good start, before any dramatic changes in the weather.  Once moved always remember to give them a really good drink of water.


Finally the ever-important deadheading.  Important to do this  as the late season of flowers can be kept going a little longer by cutting off the faded blooms. This works for the late flowering perennials such as aster, heleniums and salvias which will keep providing colour for some time.

Continue deadheading roses. I am amazed how they just continue flowering if this simple task is done.  However if you have chosen a variety of rose for its winter display of hips it is better to leave them alone now to allow the hips to develop.


Now is a good time to give your lawn some care and attention.  After mowing, scarify with a lawn rake, then fork and brush sand into the holes. Choose a lawn seed, suitable for your requirements and  then sprinkle over, followed by a thin layer of compost and water well.