The Tattenham & Preston Residents Association committee is nothing if not versatile. Our latest project was the installation of seven flower planters around the Tattenham Corner shops.
This was a multi skilled operation involving a knowledge of flowers, what could loosely be called carpentry, and some transport, girlpower and manpower logistics.
Despite these challenges it all seemed to work out and over the recent Spring Bank Holiday weekend all seven planters were put in place. The local shops have very kindly offered to keep the flowers fed and watered and we look forward to a summer of colour for shoppers and shop staff alike.
For those of a botanical bent the flowers consisted of a selection of Cosmos, osteospermum, alchemilla mollis, white and pink gaura, helichrysum petiolare silver, training Ivy leaf geraniums, fuschia, Canna, verbena lollipop, and salvia chocamochasto to name but a few.

Hundreds of flowers were prepared by Kathy and Jill

Loading up. Jill, Kathy, Ian, Nick and Bob

Production line of varnished plaques

Nick, Bob, Kathy and Jill on site