The AGM of the Association will be held at:

Tattenham Community Library, Tattenham Crescent, KT18 5NU

Monday evening 14th March 2022 at 7.30 p.m.

All residents and road stewards are welcome to join us. It would help if you can let us know if you are planning to join in so we have an idea of numbers and can let you know of any changes to arrangements. Please email: with the names of those coming.


  1. TPRA Chair’s report
  2. Approval of minutes from the last AGM held by Zoom on 29th March 2021
  3. Treasurer’s report
  4. Election of the TPRA Committee*
  5. Adoption of the TPRA’s candidate for the Borough Council election in May
  6. TPRA Councillors reports and questions: Jill Bray, Bob Harper and Nick Harrison
  7. Any other business

* Please send any nominations of the Committee to the Chair at or, if you don’t have email, by telephone to 07941 672 561.

After the formal part of the meeting there will be light refreshments and the opportunity to meet your Committee and Councillors to ask any questions and generally discuss local issues.