Burgh Heath/Chetwode Road

Cllr. Bob Harper has successfully pushed for the replacement of the old wire mesh fence backing onto Lonesome ponds with a rustic wooden fence.

With the assistance of CIL funding sponsored by the councillors in the Residents Association, the Banstead Commons Conservators are doing work to improve the environment around the Lonesome Ponds for the benefit of the woods and the many users.

The Residents Associaton are promoting an upgrade to the insecure and untidy entrance at Chetwode Road to provide adequate security, a fence, and an information board.

Merton Garage Area – Long Walk

The Residents Asssociation have successfully pushed for the removal of 7 out of use storage containers from the Long Walk/Merton garage area at Long Walk

Planned Improvements to Environment

Preston Hawe was the site of an ancient house and out buildings. Over time various archelological digs have uncovered artefacts which are on display at the Tadworth Leisure Centre

CIL funding has been applied for to upgrade the footpaths in the wooded area of Preston Hawe, just at the end of Marbles Way.

Lonesome Ponds in Burgh Heath