The Greek physician, Hippocrates, who died circa 370 BC, was renowned for his passion for good health which is documented in his many quotes on staying well. Here are just two:
“Walking is a man’s best medicine”
“If you are in a bad mood go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.”
He was right, of course. Walking is everyone’s best medicine. For those who are struggling to combat poor physical and mental wellbeing, as well as isolation and loneliness, walking is the best prescription. This is where Ramblers Wellbeing Walks can help.
They aim to provide everyone with easy access to free, friendly short group walks, within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active. Joining one of their walks will exercise those muscles, lift your mood and improve your social life. We don’t really need Hippocrates to tell us how much walking improves the lives of those taking part, we can see and hear it for ourselves.
Ramblers Wellbeing Walks YMCA East Surrey offers 20 walks of varying lengths including around Tadworth and Banstead. All walks are risk assessed and led by trained volunteer walk leaders who support walkers to make them feel that they have achieved something. After all, “ One step at a time is good walking.” (Chinese Proverb)
There a three local walks in our area:
- Mary Frances Epsom Downs – 1 hour every Thursday (starting at 11.00 am) from the Beefeater
- Burgh Heath Ponds and Woods – 45 minutes every Wednesday (starting at 11.00 am) from Tadworth Leisure Centre
- Banstead Trail – 90 minutes every Friday (starting at 11.00 am) from Pistachios in the Park

The walks are free and to register just visit Ramblers Wellbeing Walks.
There is no need to book for walks – just turn up five minutes before the start time.
The YMCA is also looking to recruit volunteers to train as walk leaders.
For more information visit the Ramblers Website or contact Julie Haslett at julie.haslett@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk telephone 01737 779979.