The village green outside the Tattenham Corner shops hosted a Summer Market on Saturday 18th September. Organised by Tattenham Corner Community, a group of local volunteers who have been helping to build and support our local community since 2015.

Led by Kirsty Cranfield, it has been organising Christmas and Summer events over the past six years to bring the community together and help local organisations.

This year’s event was delayed from July due to Covid concerns but despite the late date, the sun shone, and locals were able to visit a range of stalls selling a range of crafts, gifts, and clothes. There were more stalls than ever before with very positive feedback from stall holders.

As usual a raffle raised funds, this time for the local Food Club at St Mark’s Church and it looks like over £300 was raised to support this good local cause.

The library provided tea and cakes and Raven Housing Trust kept people fit with their peddling smoothie maker.

You can also follow Tattenham Corner Community on social media: Facebook – Christmas at Tattenham Corner and Twitter – @Tattenham Xmas

Kirsty is also looking for more volunteers to help set up and pack away on the day of the event. She is also looking to establish a pool of qualified First Aiders who can be called upon to cover their events. If you can help, please contact Kirsty at

Here are some photographs:

Cllr Jill Bray, Mayor of Reigate & Banstead drawing the raffle

Tea and cakes at the library

Stalls on the Green
Cllr Jill Bray, Mayor of Reigate & Banstead
Cycling for smoothies on the Ravens Housing Trust stand
Dancing in the street