Planning Permission Refused in Great Tattenhams – Nos. 23 -33
Developers had applied to replace 6 bungalows by 39 flats, in 4 large blocks (application No..20/01575/OUT). The proposal has been comprehensively refused on a number of grounds:

• By reason of the significant height, width, depth and bulk of the proposed buildings, the cramped layout with inadequate spacing to the boundaries, excessive amount of hardstanding and limited space for meaningful replacement landscaping, would be incongruous and cramped overdevelopment of the site, out of keeping with and harmful to the character and appearance of the locality.
• By reason of the significant height, depth, bulk and side facing windows of Block D, and the proximity of Block D to number 21 Great Tattenhams, would appear as a dominant, obtrusive and overbearing structure when viewed from this neighbouring property, harmful to the residential amenities of the occupants. In addition, due to the proximity of the proposed parking and communal areas to the boundary with 21 Great Tattenhams there would be an increase in the level of noise and disturbance to this property from car movements and increase activities on the site.
• The applicant has not provided the required information to satisfy the Council that the proposal would not result in an increase in surface water flood risk at the site and surrounding area.