Last November we reported on The Beacon School’s disappointing Ofsted Report following an inspection carried out last June. At that time the school received an overall rating of “Inadequate”.
A new head teacher, James Grant Duff, was appointed and since then the school has been addressing the issues raised by the inspectors.

Ofsted respected the school in May and because there had been significant progress made, the inspectors took the unusual decision to upgrade their rating to “Requires Improvement”. Whilst not perfect it reflects considerable improvements to the management of the school.
Ofsted’s breakdown of this rating was as follows:
- The quality of education – Requires improvement
- Behaviour and attitudes – Requires improvement
- Personal development – Good
- Leadership and management – Good
- Sixth-form provision – Requires improvement
The Inspectors also made the following comments:
“New leaders at the school have raised expectations significantly. They are committed to ensuring that the school’s values of ‘excellence’ and ‘respect’ are understood and demonstrated by all”
“This school is improving because leaders have raised standards and expectations for behaviour and the curriculum since the last full inspection. They have used expertise from within the trust to develop and implement a new and ambitious curriculum”
“Leaders have introduced a clear set of rules for classroom behaviour”
“Pupils say that behaviour is ‘much better’”
The leaders at The Beacon School realise that they still have more to achieve but should be congratulated for the progress so far. The full Ofsted report can be viewed from the link below.