After such a wet start to the year there is light at the end of the tunnel. Wrap up well and survey the garden and have a plan for the coming year. The snowdrops are out which are always a joy to see. Spring is approaching as more bulbs push upwards from the soil. The garden is coming alive, and it is time to prune shrubs and climbers, such as Wisteria and evergreen hedges.

Deciduous hedges should be pruned in February before birds start nesting. March-August is the main breeding season for nesting birds so always check for nests before doing any work on hedges.
Lawns will need mowing soon. Use a high setting and do not mow wet or frosty grass or if the ground conditions are too soft.
If you have been taken by the idea of growing some vegetables now is a good time to start and potatoes are probably one of the least demanding.
With early varieties it is a good idea to “chit” the seed potatoes before planting. This means to allow them to start sprouting shoots before you plant them. The easiest way is to arrange the seed potatoes in egg boxes or seed trays in a light, cool but frost free room. They are ready to plant when the sprouts reach 2 cm in length. This will normally take 4-6 weeks.

Plant the potato in an individual hole about 35cm deep and 40 cm between each hole. It is better to have a wider row spacing if you can as once the green shoots emerge they need to be earthed up. This means when there is 25 cm growth soil is drawn up around the stems to ensure the potatoes covered from the light as light makes the potatoes turn green and inedible, this needs to be done on a regular basis. They should be ready in June or July to dig up.
Chillie Plants
February is the ideal time for sowing chillies, I did this last year and I had masses of chillies from three plants. Starting them off indoors will allow additional time during the growing season to set fruit and ripen. I have found a warm windowsill works well with a clear plastic bag over the pot or seed tray to maintain the temperature.

Use good quality seed compost and sow the seeds on the surface and then cover them in about 6mm of vermiculite. Once the seeds have germinated they need to be kept at a minimum of 18 degrees C. They will take 2-3 weeks to germinate and then another 3-4 weeks until they are big enough to prick out into individual pots. Transplant them into individual 9 cm pots when they have produced their first true leaves
Seed sowing for spring/summer colour
I really like Erigeron which is also known as Mexican fleabane it is ideal for growing in pots or for softening the front of borders. It has masses of daisy like flowers and grows in poor to fertile soil and is drought tolerant. I am hoping to grow this one from seed and will be starting this very soon planting in seed trays indoors and I will do the same for Cosmos as I am reliably informed Cosmos is quick and easy to grow indoors and gives great colour to the garden.

How to prepare pots for planting
Plants will live longer and look better if your pots are clean and have good drainage. Most plant pots are made with drainage holes so that excess water can drain away. If a pot doesn’t have holes, you’ll need to make some otherwise the plant will rot.
To help water drain freely place broken pieces of pot in the bottom of the plant pot. Alternatively you could use garden mesh in the bottom of the pot with some small stones and gravel laid on the top of it. Either will prevent drainage holes becoming blocked and compost being flushed out.
Clean all pots before use especially those undisturbed pots that have been left outside as these can be a breeding ground for pets and diseases. To clean terracotta pots clear off all the dried off soil and then scrub the pot in a solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent and rinse well. For a chemical free way to sterilise pots use a solution of one part white vinegar to 20 parts water. Soak pots for 30 minutes and then allow the pots to dry thoroughly in the sun before using or storing them.
Continue to deadhead winter pansies and other bedding to encourage flowering.
Tidy herbaceous perennials, as new growth starts to appear remove old stems completely.
Always a good idea to feed the birds at this time of year and probably more importantly to see they have fresh water in the garden.