After the July extreme temperatures and lack of rain for several months, it used to be August that was considered one of the hottest months of the year. Despite that August is still a month when watering is essential. Try to use grey water wherever possible, as no doubt your water butts will be running low.

August is traditionally holiday-time, if going away for over a week probably a good idea to enlist a friend or neighbour to do some watering in the garden and do not forget the houseplants.
Don’t forget deadheading, watering and feeding of hanging baskets as all tended well it will help them last through until autumn.

A good time to cut privet hedges, they should be trimmed twice a year between May and August this is to maximise the growth and make the hedge stronger throughout the winter months. The more you trim the privet the thicker and denser it becomes.
Cutting back
Cut back Wisteria and summer-flowering shrubs such as lavender once they have finished flowering.
Trim back hebes lightly after they have finished flowering to encourage, bushy, compact growth. Reduce the length of the stems by up to a third. Always make a clean cut just above a pair of leaves.
Keep deadheading cosmos, geraniums, dahlias and penstemon to encourage the production of more flowers.
Don’t cut off the flower heads of ornamental grasses as these will provide winter interest.
Collect and sow foxglove seeds to raise new plants in pots ready for planting in April/May. Cut off the flower spikes when the seed capsules are turning brown. Shake the capsules and catch the seeds that fall out. Sprinkle the seeds evenly over damp seed compost and put uncovered in a cold frame to grow.

Plant late flowering perennials for colour
If you have gaps in your garden, you can fill those gaps with late-flowering perennials, these include sedums, asters and Japanese anemones. These should all be available in the garden centres. Dig a hole and mix in some well-rotted garden compost into the base. Water well and apply a thick mulch.

Potatoes for Christmas
You can now buy specially prepared seed potatoes for harvesting in time for Christmas. You can plant them in large pots or bags filled with 25 cms. of potting compost. Place two seed potatoes on the surface 15 cms. apart then cover with 15 cms. of compost. Water each pot or bag well after planting and water whenever the compost dries out. Keep the plants frost free.
Compost heaps
Water your compost heap in hot weather.
If your lawn s anything like mine it looks dried up and brown, it will be fine once the rains return your lawn will recover.

Spring bulbs
August is a good time to order Spring bulbs, daffodils, tulips order now and they will be delivered in good time for planting in the autumn for a colourful display in the Spring.
Keep bird baths topped up
Water will quickly evaporate in bird baths when it is extremely hot or sometimes it will become full of algae growth in stagnant water. Remember to clean water vessels regularly and keep them topped up with clean cold water.