Raven Housing Trust offers a range of hassle-free extra services to support Raven customers and the wider public to live a more rewarding life.

The four services are:
- Help with money and benefits
- Support with skills for work
- Help getting online
- Support to keep you in your home
These services are provided free of charge by Raven’s Community Investment Team and in certain circumstances are available to non-tenants.
Help manage your money and benefits – Moneywise Team
Raven’s team of money and benefits experts is called Moneywise. They can help Raven customers with:
- Benefit and grant applications
- Challenging benefit decisions
- Understanding income and expenditure
- Learning how to budget and reduce spending
- Rent arrears and debt advice

For more information, Raven tenants can contact moneywise@ravenht.org.uk, put a request in through their MyRaven account or visit https://www.ravenht.org.uk/getting-help-and-support/help-with-money-and-benefits/
Assistance with finding work – Employment Team
Available to all, whether or not a customer, Raven’s employment team has a number of successful programmes to help find work. Raven’s employment team can also help with:
- Increasing your income
- Work experience and volunteering
- Counselling and confidence building
- Support for childcare
- CV writing and job skills
- Benefits advice
For more information contact employment@ravenht.org.uk or visit
Getting online – Digital Inclusion Team
The Raven digital team helps its customers to develop your digital skills and provide you with the tools needed to get online, helping with:
- Beginner digital skills to get online
- Computer loans
- Microsoft Word and Excel courses
- Low-cost internet options
- Support with housing register and Homeswapper applications.
For more information contact digitalinclusionteam@ravenht.org.uk or visit
Staying in your home – Parashoot Team
Parashoot is a free service for anyone who is at risk of losing their home, or are homeless and need help settling into their new home. Most people need help at least one of the following:
- Managing and keeping their current home
- Claiming means tested benefits
- Dealing with complicated paperwork
- Accessing other support services
- Getting started in a new home and being homeless
For more information please visit https://www.ravenht.org.uk/getting-help-and-support/support-