Prices for all properties in England were up 2.48% on the month but dropped by 0.5% in Tattenham & Preston. The average property price in Tattenham & Preston was £500,748 compared to £287,895 for England. Properties in our area are, on average, 74% more expensive than in England as a whole.


The chart below shows the current average prices by property type in our area.

The trend still seems to be for prices to increase and this minor reversal in our area is considered an isolated anomaly and will probably correct in future months.

Detached properties in our area are almost double the prices of similar properties in England as a whole. The variance drops to a 25% difference for flats and maisonettes.

How we have calculated data for Tattenham & Preston

Please note that these figures are based on Land Registry data collected from completed sales. It is more accurate than sales data but tends to trail behind current sale prices. We use data for the Epsom & Ewell local authority area as being more accurate for Tattenham & Preston than using data for Reigate & Banstead where property prices are lower in the southern part of the Borough. It should also be acknowledged that these are only average prices, and the actual cost of a property may vary significantly depending on size, condition, number of bedrooms and availability of amenities.