As we charge ahead to the shortest day of the year in December the garden may not beckon us as it does during the warmer months, but there are still jobs to keep us busy. If you do not fancy any outside work this month it is always good to clean and sharpen cutting tools and request any new garden implements as possible Christmas presents.
Plants in borders, such as cordylines, should have their leaves tied upright and packed round with straw and covered with horticultural fleece.
Outdoor Taps
Insulate outdoor taps. Typically, an outside tap will have a shut-off valve inside the property which needs to be turned off. Once you have stopped the supply of water it is important to open the garden tap to let the air flow in. This air supply will ensure that any water that does remain in the tap after it’s been shut off has room to expand. If you do not have an isolation valve it is important to insulate the tap to stop it freezing over – as well as the surrounding pipework. There are purpose made covers to purchase from most DIY stores.
Winter Pots
Plant winter shrubs in pots for scent and colour, such as sarcococca, chimonathus and daphne odora.
The birds at this time of year are more visible as the trees lose their leaves. A good population of birds in the garden are part of a healthy garden. There is some evidence that a garden with a good population of birds will have fewer invertebrates that can damage your plants. Birds provide insect and rodent control, plant pollination and seed dispersal.

By feeding birds all year round you will give them a better chance to survive. In winter birds require high energy high fat foods to maintain their fat reserves. Use only good quality food and scraps. Ensure your bird baths have fresh water available and if the water freezes break the ice so the birds can get a drink.

Tender Shrubs
Check more tender shrubs in pots are still securely wrapped up in horticultural fleece, hessian, or bubble wrap against cold, wet, and windy weather. This to try to stop the roots from freezing as if this happens the plant will die. If you have lots of pots keep them all together preferably close to the wall of the house where it will be slightly warmer and if the weather does become cold, they can all be protected by one large length of protective material.

Pile straw or bracken around the base of tender shrubs and climbers to protect from falling temperatures

Finish tulip planting this month. Remember to plant them deep, usually about 7– 8 inches is ideal.
Pruning Deciduous Trees
Many trees move into a state of hibernation at this time of the year which is the time to prune them. As soon as the leaves have fallen deciduous trees can be pruned. The main rule is to open up the centre of the tree and remove branches that are crossed, damaged or overcrowding those you want to keep. Always cut back to a joint. Never remove more than a third of the growth in any one year. Takes seconds to cut off, but years to grow them back.