Chillies and Sweet Peppers
Planting seeds for summer produce is a very positive thing to do in February. This is the ideal time for sowing chillies and sweet peppers. Starting them off indoors will allow additional time during the growing season to set fruit and ripen. A heated propagator is ideal, but I have found a warm window sill works well with a clear plastic bag over the pot or seedtray to maintain the temperature. Use good quality seed compost and sow the seeds on the surface and then cover them in about 6mm of vermiculite. Once the seeds have germinated they need to be kept at a minimum of 18 degrees C. They will take 2-3 weeks to germinate and then another 3-4 weeks until they are big enough to prick out into individual pots.Transplant them into individual 9 cms pots when they have produced their first true leaves.
Hellebores give the most gorgeous colour in winter borders. Most are easy to grow in light shade and once established they need very little attention. Mulching with garden compost in Spring will help their performance.Best time for planting these very giving plants is from autum to spring and they are most often bought in flower ready for planting.
Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ is a wonderful plant for any garden in the dark winter months as they produce vibrant yellow flowers, from late Autumn to late winter. Mahonias prefer reasonably fertile soil enriched with well-rotted organic matter. Most prefer full or partial shade, but tolerate full sun where soil is moist at all times.They can grow up to 5m and 4m width.
February is certainly a month of preparation for the Spring. Most gardeners have become environmentally aware and we can all help. Home composting is the most environmentlly friendly way of dealing with garden waste. It can save you money and time. Position compost bins in partial shade, directly on to the soil to allow drainage and access for vital soil organisms. Compositng can be done all year round. Aim for 25-50% of grass clippings, vegetable peelings and the remaing percentage should be prunings, paper, cardboard, straw and dead leaves. Turn the heap on a regular basis, about twice a week, this will incorporate air which is requird for composting to occur. Failure to turn the heap is usually the main cause of poor results. Keep the heap moist in dry weather. It can take between 6 and 24 months for the compost to reach maturity. Mature compost will be dark brown and crumbly soil with a smell of damp woodland.
Decidous hedges should be pruned in February before birds start nesting. March-August is the main breeding season for nesting birds so always check for nests before doing any work on hedges.
Lawns will need mowing soon. Use a high setting and do not mow wet or frosty grass or if the ground condiitons are too soft.
Continue to deadhead winter pansies and other bedding to encourage flowering.
Tidy herbaceous perennials, as new growth starts to appear remove old stems completely.
There is still time to plant lilly bulbs in containers or borders for a display in the summer.