The Raven HousingTrust’s proposed garage developments are very relevant to our ward residents. At the Planning Committee meeting held on 30th August the first application by Raven Housing Trust to build three affordable rent social housing two-bedroomed homes on the garage site in Downland Close was approved.
Our councillor Nick Harrison made comments and Planning Committee member cllr. Jill Bray raised objections to the scheme and tabled a “motion to refuse” the application. Despite this, it was approved by a vote of 11 to 3.
Whilst it was accepted that there is a huge demand for social housing, our councillors were concerned about the design of the properties (acknowledged by the planning officers as “not entirely in keeping“ with the locality) and their impact on neighbours in Downland Way and Downland Gardens. Separately, our RA councillors questioned the amenities of the development (the middle unit would have a very small garden), again acknowledged by officers as “smaller than would normally be considered acceptable”. Cllr.Jill Bray supported the need for social housing for local families but concluded, “two properties (on the site) would be OK, but three is a step too far”.
Councillors from other parts of the borough recognised the issues raised by the R A councillors, but on balance were swayed by the importance of providing affordable rented homes.
Nearby residents had raised a number of other concerns – including construction noise, building materials, possible flooding, boundary fencing, external lighting, trees and possible site contamination. The Committee did approve planning conditions to address these issues.
This is the first of five garage sites in our area that Raven Housing propose to redevelop, and our councillors will continue to monitor the progress of the other sites.
The complete application and all documents relating to this are available on the Reigate & Banstead Council planning website at: