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Bob Harper has been a resident of the ward for over 40 years. Bob has been a Reigate and Banstead Borough councillor since 2002 and is an active member of the Regulatory and Licensing Committee. Bob is a trained engineer, works locally and has over 30 years commercial experience. Bob is married to Susan and their three children have all been educated at local schools and when he has time pursues his interests in sports.

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Jill Bray has been resident of the ward for 38 years and has represented the ward as a councillor for the last 15 years. Jill is on the Planning and Employment Committees and chairs the council’s Audit Committee. Jill is a pro-active volunteer and fund raiser for a range of local charities including: YMCA East Surrey, the Easter Project in Redhill and Tattenhams Community Library. Jill believes all residents should be properly represented regardless of political affiliation. Jill is married to Richard and is a keen gardener, florist and walker.

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Nick Harrison has been a resident of the ward for over 30 years. Nick has been a councillor since 2003, serving on both Surrey County Council and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council. Nick is married to Pam and their three children have all been educated at local schools. At the County Council Nick chairs the Scrutiny Committee for Resources and Performance and the Surrey Local Pensions Board. At the Borough Council Nick is the opposition group leader and chairs the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Nick is also a Governor of Shawley Community Primary School and a trustee of Tattenhams Community Library.

Councillors have two basic roles – firstly, to assist and represent residents and secondly, to play a full role in developing the council’s policies and in scrutinising the council and holding it to account. As Residents Association councillors we are the main opposition group at both Borough and County. We are in a joint group with the councillors in Nork at the borough level. At the County we work in a group on common interests with the Residents Association and independent councillors from Epsom, Ewell, Ashtead, Woking, Elmbridge, and Waverley.

All our councillors are proactively ensuring that the Preston Regeneration Project is successful in delivering benefits to local residents.