How to get your own Verge Tree
Any resident within Surrey can apply for trees to be planted outside their own property.
To read more about Surrey County Council’s policy towards verge trees see here.
You can order directly from the Surrey County Council website. Surrey County Council apply a £25 non-refundable application fee to help cover the cost of assessing if the site is suitable. If you do get the county council to plant a tree, the Residents Association will consider refunding you the £25 one year after the planting, as long the tree has been properly maintained by you.
Next Steps
To order a tree online go to the Surrey County Council website.
For residents in the Tattenham & Preston ward the Reigate & Banstead Borough Council CIL grant will pay for the tree while funds remain, so do not delay in submitting an application.
You will need to state this in the “additional information/further comments” box in the online form. ie. “The cost of the tree will be paid for by the Reigate & Banstead Borough Council CIL fund“
Can we help you
When you place an order please could you take a note of any reference number and email this, with your name, to , so we can help you if there are any problems or delays.
If you would like any more information on this subject or have any questions please contact Cllr. Jill Bray.
phone: 01737 357055